Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bittersweet-Week 2, Day 4

IBS and the Gold's Gym 12 Week Challenge
Post #7- Week 2, Day 4

Today is bittersweet as I found out I am doing very well but I also had my last included session with my personal trainer. The good news is I have lost 6.5 lbs of PURE body fat and have lowered my body fat percentage by 2.5% in just 10 days. The bad news is that Chauncy is fantastic and I would love to pay to work out with him again, but I can't afford it at least until the next month's budget. He kicked my butt today and I noticed I am much stronger and nimble than when we started. He has been so supportive and helpful, I would really like to have his support through the process.
My Trainer - Chauncy 

The whole experience so far has made me think about perception and the human experience of weight loss. I had perceived that I was doing well with the challenge and have had a more positive body image than before I started this, but I had a hard time with the fact the scale would go down then back up a little. Every time I "gained" I had the perception that I was failing, slipping, or backsliding even though my clothes were fitting better and I was happy with the way I looked in the mirror and the way I was feeling. I suspect that I am not done feeling this disconnect between the statistics and perception. I am a little disappointed that I am so "normal" in that regard and hope that I can learn to not take the statistics so seriously but at the same time, not ignore it completely so I don't gain back the weight this time or the fitness level I am building. Anybody got a secret for that?!? :) I have every confidence I will get my best body back through this challenge. I am determined, I have time to devote to it, and I have the support of so many friends, family, and blog followers. It will be when the official challenge ends that my real challenge will to continue watching calories, working out regularly during my busiest times, and not letting my social life derail my efforts. I look forward to all the challenges ahead and welcome feedback and comments from anyone at any stage.

5:00am 40 min running, 20 min lifting
6:15am Protein Shake (Nutribiotic Vegan Rice Protein, available at vitamin shoppe)
9:00am Greek Yogurt
12:00pm Mediterranian Salmon Salad (Panera Bread) No olives, 1/2 salmon, no dressing
3:15pm 1/2 a sushi pack from Harris Teeter with brown rice
4:30pm Workout with trainer (circuit training)
5:00pm 3/4 of Body Pump
6:00pm Two chicken soft tacos
9:00pm Bed

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