Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chosing Strength

IBS and the Gold's Gym Challenge
Post #10 Week 3, day 1

Strength!! GRR!!
All people have moments of strength and weakness and we are all trying to have more strength than weakness. This weekend I forgot how persistent weakness is. Today I remembered that I am in control and every moment is a new opportunity to choose strength. I chose strength when I went to body pump and zumba. I chose strength when I went up on a few of my weights, I chose strength in my form, I chose strength with each good food and beverage choice. Our true strength lies in acknowledging our weakness, knowing that it will always be there, and choosing strength instead.

I realized weakness tends to win when I get sudden curve balls. The weakness yesterday was due to a change in plans that made me upset and the weakness (fries) today was when I found out the "asian slaw" had mayo in it and I DO NOT eat eggs. They make me incredibly sick so I had to pick another option and I just fell into auto pilot and said fries instead of making the waitress list my options or take 20 seconds to find them in the menu. At least I had the strength to not eat the rice and I only had about 1/4 of the fries. I need to remind myself that I am worth the extra consideration! Right now I could feel a lot less bloated and more full if I had taken that time.

7:30am Wake up
9am Body Pump
10am Greek Yogurt with protein powder
11:45am Zumba
1:00pm  Ahi Tuna steak with fries and crab/vegetable soup (not cream based, Maryland style)
6:00pm Spinach salad with sauteed zucchini, mushrooms, onions, and brussel sprouts
9-11:30pm Karaoke time!-water and small watered down sprite (they were out of diet drinks!)
12am Small Chili from Wendy's

I coulda had all sorts of bad foods and beverages today but I made good compromises. Holding steady at 167.

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