Sunday, February 12, 2012

IBS and the Gold's Gym Challenge
Post #4- Week 2, Day 2

Once again, I am up with the sun at 6:30am. Yesterday I was told to eat more calories and so I allowed myself some wine, some bread, and some chocolate fondue with fruit for dipping when friends wanted to hang out at a wine bar. It was yummy and I had a great time. I can't help but wonder what will happen when I step on the scale though. Of course my IBS did not like the chocolate or the fruit or the alcohol so now I am bloated and awake because my tummy was being loud. This all made me think.

In our society, especially as 20-30 somethings, much of our culture revolves around drinking. It's difficult to find activities to do with friends that don't involve a bar or drinking as part of the experience. Think about it, dancing and drinking, bowling and drinking, sports and drinking, or just hanging out which seems to always imply drinking. Yesterday I thought about what it would be like to sit at the wine bar with all the fantastic wines to try and just drink water or soda. Perhaps if you don't know what you're missing it's not so bad but the social pressure to partake would still be there. I did not drink a drop until college and it was fairly easy to combat the peer pressure to drink in high school and through my first years in college as the pressure was blatent and sometimes malicious and I didn't know I liked any of it. The adult pressure is completely unspoken and not applied by anyone other than oneself but it seems to exist at least in my world. I would be curious regarding other's thoughts on this..... Please comment :)

My workouts/meals
6:30 am woke up and wrote
7:30am Pancakes made with Bisquick and greek yogurt with protein powder (ate half)
9:00am Body Pump (weight lifting)
10:00am Break and Vanilla Greek Yogurt
10:30am Kickboxing
11:15 Nap
1:00pm Panera steak panini and soup
(Feeling bloated-maybe due to the wine last night?)
4:00pm Banana-still bloated, took milk of magnesia
6:00pm 20min run
7:30pm Steak, baked potato (plain), green beans

Pancake recipe
1 Cup Bisquick
1 container greek yogurt (vanilla or plain or whatever you fancy)
Optional Cut fruit and Protein powder

Empty greek yogurt into a 2 cup measure. Mix with water (and optional protein powder) to make 1 cup. Add to bisquick. Use water to tweak consistency. Cook on a greased skillet or pan at medium temperature. Watch the pancake an do not turn until the bubbles are popping all over the pancake and the sides look "done." Flip and cook for 2-4 min. These take a little longer than normal pancakes if you've done the pancake thing before ;) Serve with cut fruit, syrup, or whatever you like with your pancake.


  1. I'm young for my grade, but the time has come where my grade is turning 21. Then you add in the college part and those not of age are already drinking. I often hear from people I know about how they got drunk, or someone else did, and I can't help but think slightly less of them. Maybe it's because I was raised well and taught to make good choices.

    I am strongly opposed to the smell of beer and wine (and cigars for that matter) and I'm more opposed do the effects alcohol has when misused. I am more inclined to stay away from any gathering of younger adults if I know more than two people will be drinking. While this removes me from a lot of activities, it suits my personality to bluntly avoid something that makes me uncomfortable. If people around me think I'm overreacting, then they can deal with it. Following that, it seems like once you hit 22/23, the desire to drink becomes more responsible, or maybe the people I know of that age are removed from those with whom I interact.

    The pressure exists, yes, but you're right about it not being so bad if you don't know what you're missing. Maybe you can make a joke out of not drinking. Have some grapes and bread-foods (or apple juice in a certain-shaped glass) and join in on the conversation or activity, but not on the parts that aren't as good for you. There are alternatives to those if you think ahead. And if people comment on it, you can tell them that you're looking out for yourself and that it's a personal choice.

  2. Thanks for the comment and the advice. IBS is all about looking ahead at what to eat and knowing you'll have choices wherever you go. Applying this to drinking as well could prove very helpful :)

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