Monday, February 20, 2012

What Makes Weight Loss Different With IBS-C

IBS and the Gold's Gym Challenge
Post #11- Week 3, Day 2

I realized I was being very positive with everyone on my blog here and thought today I would take a moment to be real about what I have gone through with IBS and this challenge for the last two weeks. I have had weight fluctuations up to three and a half pounds within a single day due to water retention and constipation. The scale has gone down 9.5 lbs total and this is what I have been reporting. I should tell you when I get on the scale in the morning after I've made a diet "mistake" and it reads 170 and then after I go to the bathroom it says 167. I have had to take a water pill and milk of magnesia every time I have had alcohol or carbonation, even a little. This time it took two days to kick in. Giving up soda and alcohol at the same time is very hard especially when I am trying to be social and/or celebrate with my friends. At the super bowl, I avoided beer by staying in. Many times I have successfully avoided soda and alcohol but many times the choice is one or the other or water. I have been trying to choose water consistently but it has been a struggle for me. I drink water constantly during the work day, but in my off time, I tend to want something with flavor. I'll keep working on it...

The working out has been consistent as has my intake of vegetables. After Dave's post, I found a renewed reason to avoid grains and carbs except to fuel my workouts. My husband got free pizza today from papa john's and we get it without cheese so its not terrible. But right after I ate it, I did an hour long run/hill walk to use up that energy. It was one of the best work outs I've had in a while. My trainer was the one who said I need to fuel my workouts better and then I read the same thing in shape magazine so I am going to try to keep that in mind as I try to break the 167 plateau.
One Month and 9.5 lbs Ago

7:30am Wake up
8:30am Greek Yogurt
10:00am Body Pump
11:15am Pizza with no cheese, chicken, pineapple, and onions
11:45am 1 Hour Run/Hill Walk
2:00pm Chips and Salsa
3:00pm Nap
6:00pm Red Snapper on Salad
9:30pm Granola Bar

Calorie intake for today was, calorie burn was. Morning weigh in 167.6 (after milk of magnesia finally kicked in at 7am.)

1 comment:

  1. Might I suggest getting the little packets of flavored power? You, know, like the lemonade ones, and I think they have tea. They also have ones with fruits, like pomegranate (I'm not pushing that fruit at all... ^.^) and berry. Having a box or a few packets of those in your purse can make choosing water easier 'cause you're still getting water but also getting the flavor.
